Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

No one has the answer to all of life's questions. But here are a few as we journey toward discovery!

What is The Phoenix?

The Phoenix is a brick-and-mortar wellness center, located in the heart of downtown Racine, WI.

Operating like a co-working space for wellness practitioners, The Phoenix rents space in blocks of hours versus a monthly rate. Only offer your services for 10 hours per month? Not a problem! We can put together a package for you!

Are you a wellness client who is looking for a variety of services in one place? The Phoenix brings together a variety of practitioners, allowing for multiple services all under one roof!

What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness Coaching is a partnership between coach and client to create steps to a balanced life. This is accomplished by looking at all the areas of Wellness in life, a holistic approach.

We follow a 10-dimension model developed by Dr. Francis Ardito, which includes: Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Environmental, Intellectual, Nutritional, Protectoral, Social, Occupational, and Financial Wellness.

By creating a path together, using the coach's guidance and accountability, the client is empowered to make lasting change!

Isn't Wellness Coaching just therapy?

Actually, no. Psychotherapy may focus on the past, potentially dwelling on the why.

Wellness is a choice. You are in charge! Your coaching session will focus on the present and future, empowering you to make great choices for the life you want to lead!

How do I become a partner?

Please contact us! We are always looking for partners to expand our service offerings and our geographical reach!